Dear Readers,

I have—and still do—find it difficult to answer the question, “Who are you?”.

Frankly, I never thought any answer I could give would be more adequate than spending time with me. I once asked one of my (now) best friends, “Am I lazy or misunderstood?”. Without hesitating, she answered, “misunderstood”. I think the only way to find the answer to who I am is to leave behind stories and writing so that I may be understood.

I created my first website in 2012 for both my writing and drawings. It was a summer project I had done with my dad. He had taught me the very basics of HTML, handed me a copy of Adobe Dreamweaver, and set me on my way. In retrospect, I think it was a great success.

 I ran that website until my first year of high school in 2016.

Yours, Elizabeth, was a small project that I started in 2019 as a high school senior. While I have since left behind many things from my teen years, I chose to keep this site. I created this site as a school assignment but have now adopted it as a personal project. I explore and write about neurodivergence, mental health, young adulthood, and whatever else piques my interest at the moment.

My hope for Yours, Elizabeth, is for me to write publicly without hesitation and fear. In the current age of social media, it’s become more difficult for me to write fearlessly. Language is freedom, and I want to embrace my own language further.

Yours, Elizabeth

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